Join the KECP Family!
Special Tuition Offers
Become a member to gain access to special deals on tuition prices!
Wait List &
Priority Placement
Once a member, you will receive exclusive info on the current wait list, our availability as well as priority placement for future openings! Existing families may be added as well for sibling groups.
Employment Form Access
Looking for employment at Kids Edu Caring Place? First, sign up to become a part of the KECP family and then you will have access to all the employment forms necessary
to apply!
Calendar Access
Once you become a membership of the family, we will also grant you access to the KECP Calendar This is where you can see upcoming events and what your children do on a daily basis while in our care.
Family Photo & Video Group Access
After enrolling your child, you will be able to see all of the fun, photos and videos of the kids activities during their time at KECP. We love to share montages, photos and the excitement of learning with us.
Military Families Welcome
In order to access the KECP Military Families Program please inquire with the Director. Special childcare programs application. Become a member of the KECP Family by signing up below!